How to Properly Take the Rice Purity Test Questions

Rice Purity Test Questions

Rice Purity Test

It has become a fun lighthearted look back at your own personal experiences with the Rice Purity Test becoming increasingly popular. You’ve heard about it from friends, seen it on social media, and observed it at a college event, but the Rice Purity Test is a test designed to have people think about their past experiences whether or not they are in a relationship. Like any quiz designed to uncover personal behavior, there is value in taking the test carefully, so as to get a trustworthy result. Read on as we’ll walk you through the steps to take the Rice Purity Test the right way so you can make the most out of it.

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-assessment quiz consisting of 100 questions that cover a wide range of personal experiences. It was originally created by Rice University students and has since become an internet trend. The test touches on various topics such as relationships, social experiences, substance use, and travel. Your score ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 indicating minimal experience and 0 reflecting extensive life experiences. While this test can provide some insight into your past, it’s essential to remember that it is not meant to judge you, but simply to help you reflect on your life experiences.

Why Take the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is taken for assorted reasons by people. For others, it’s just fun — an opinion of whether it’s interesting to do, or how it differs from other experiences with friends. Some people take it more seriously, and use the quiz as a self-reflection. A nice eye opener can be to see where your experiences stack up against other peoples’ or to think about just how far you’ve come in some parts of your life. Although the Rice Purity Test isn’t a contest, just a way to figure where you stand on these issues with reference to personal experience, it’s important to remember this.

How to Properly Take the Rice Purity Test Questions

1. Understand the Purpose of the Test

Know why you are taking the Rice Purity Test before you take it. The aim of the test is to be fun, not to cast any judgment on your ‘morality’. It’s just a tool for reflection and comparison. The questions cover a lot of ground so some may be more private than others. Since it is important to have an open mind when it comes to the test, so you will have to prepare as if you know nothing. Don’t let the results get too ingrained, look at it as a way to reconsider how you did.

2. Answer Honestly

The best kind of honesty when you’re taking the Rice Purity Test. The test only makes sense if you say what you meant. Have you had a lot of experiences or very few, no matter what you do be honest about it. For the questions such as ‘have you ever taken such and such substance’, answer that based on your own experiences alone. The Rice Purity Test is confidential to you and it doesn’t work if you don’t answer honestly.

Also, don’t be ashamed to recount the facts. The test isn’t designed to shame you for your choices, it’s designed to show what you experienced. Don’t worry if you haven’t done something on the list, you don’t need to answer yes. Similarly, if you convey that you’ve had a lot of experiences, answer honestly without being judged. Everyone’s journey is different, and there is no “wrong, or right” answer.

3. Review the Questions Carefully

The Rice Purity Test has some pretty wide ranging questions pertaining to many parts of your life. Each of these questions may be very personal or sensitive; that is why you need to read them carefully before you answer them. Don’t rush through the test. Consider your answers to each question and see if it applies to you. For example, if a question’s asking if you’ve ever been in a serious relationship, you don’t always have to tell the truth and concede to a few casual relationships here and there.

4. Focus on Your Personal Experiences

If you want to take the Rice Purity Test, it’s about you and your experiences. For the answers you give in each question, reflect your own life and do not compare yourself to others. It’s certainly something you’ll be curious about but you should keep in mind everyone has a different experience. The objective is to replicate your journey. Secondly, don’t worry about what anyone else has done or what might be considered ‘normal’. It’s how you’ve lived down, and the things you’ve experienced that matter.

5. Don’t Overthink Your Answers

Over analyzing the questions on the Rice Purity Test is easy — even if you don’t feel good about your answers. But it shouldn’t be over thought. The point of the test isn’t to coerce you into a shape, but to consider your experience. But, it’s not about the number of questions you’ve answered, ‘yes‘ or ‘no,’ the important part is that you are being truthful. It’s not about testing perfectly, but rather than to understand what you’ve done before, and how it compares to other people in a fun and lighthearted fashion.

6. Respect Your Boundaries

Some topics are very personal topics on the Rice Purity Test. When you find a question is too private or just makes you uncomfortable — it’s okay to breeze on by. You don’t need to answer anything that feels too personal. Did I mention your well-being is the most important thing? Hopefully this test is not going to be stressful or triggering. If you are planning to answer any particular question, see to it that you give up your mental health and emotional comfort and prioritize it before answering.

7. Take the Test in a Comfortable Environment

Some of the questions asked are personal in nature, so it’s recommended to take the Rice Purity Test and keep yourself in a comfortable, private place. That means you won’t feel rushed or pressured to answer the questions. It’s important that you either go alone or with friends and that you’re in an environment in which you can relax and reflect on your experiences.

Rice Purity Test

What to Do After Completing the Rice Purity Test

Your score on the Rice Purity Test will be revealed once you’ve finished it. Your score to that test will show how many of the listed experiences you’ve had. The lower the score, the more experience you have in the subject matter the test covers; a score of 100 means you have no experience in the areas it deals with and a score of 0 means you have a great deal of experience. Your score is just a number though, shouldn’t define who you are. It’s just you so your past experiences but doesn’t depict how much.

Some may share their results with friends, or on social media, while others keep results private. Sure it’s good to compare scores with friends and share experiences where the choice has been made, but your score doesn’t matter nearly as much as your reflection. The Rice Purity Test is a way of looking back, but it doesn’t have to be an event of competition or comparison.

Final Thoughts

The Rice Purity Test is fun and a great way to look back at the life you’ve lived. By answering the questions truthfully you can really get a better understanding of the same. But the most important thing is that is it a self-reflective test — not judgement. Your score is not who you are. Instead, it’s a snapshot of your experiences, take the time to enjoy the process and embrace your unique path.

Have you all taken the Rice Purity Test? Comment below with your thoughts and results! What did you learn from the test about yourself? Go ahead and share this article with your friends, and start an ongoing discussion about your experiences!

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